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Privacy and Confidentiality

Your wellness journey is personal. We know that there are some things you might not want to share with us—and that’s okay. On Wellness Together Canada, you can access support without needing to disclose more than you want to. You can also feel confident that your information will be kept private and secure.

Minimizing collection of sensitive health data

We collect only the sensitive health data required to provide the services you request, and only with your permission.

When you create an account, the only information we need is:

  • An email address

  • A password

  • A security question and answer 

  • Your age range (e.g. 19–29, 30–39, etc.)

If you would like to, you can provide more information about yourself, such as your gender or ethnicity. This information will help us understand who is using Wellness Together Canada, and how we can be most helpful. We understand this information is sensitive, and we will treat it as confidential (as described below). 

Securing your data

The information you provide is kept private and confidential. We will not trade or sell your personal information to other people or organizations. We will not share your personal information without your consent.

There are some exceptions detailed in our Privacy Policy. For example, to provide our services, we have arrangements with certain technology-related service providers. These are subject to contractual agreements that meet appropriate privacy standards.

Deleting your account

You can delete your Wellness Together Canada account at any time. This would also result in the deletion of your personal data.

You can delete your account by emailing When your account is deleted, we'll make sure that all electronic and hard copies of your information are securely destroyed and irreversibly deleted from our live systems within 7 days.

Data use and storage

We will not use your personal information for purposes other than providing the mental health and related services described in our Privacy Policy.

Our goal is to help you manage and improve your well-being. The personal information that you share with us, and the technical information we collect (including your IP address), will be used to improve our services. We also use aggregated statistical data to make improvements to the website. We will never attempt to identify you using this data. We will store your personal information for only so long as is necessary to fulfill its original purpose, or as long as we need to in order to comply with any relevant laws. A complete list of ways we may use your data can be found in our privacy policy.

Your right to choose what you share

We will never push you to share information with us if you don’t want to.

You’re in charge of your own wellness. We’ll never ask you to share more information than what you are comfortable with. You always have control over what you disclose and how you engage with our services.

Commitment to openness and transparency

We strive to make sure our privacy and data policies are accessible to all.

Our work is founded on trust. We understand that we need to earn your confidence to support you and your wellness. That’s why we want to make our policies transparent and accessible to everybody. If our policy is unclear, or you have any questions, comments, or complaints, you can email us at the addresses found in our privacy policy.

Managing your cookies

Wellness Together Canada may use cookies to improve your experience on the site. Some are necessary to help our website work properly. Others are optional.

Necessary cookies help us maintain the core functionality of the website. They cannot be turned off. While you cannot opt out of these cookies on the website, you can disable all cookies by changing your browser settings. However, disabling cookies will affect how the website functions.

Optional cookies are designed to support your experience. This includes personalizing content and resources for you. We understand that not everyone may be comfortable with enabling all cookies, so we’ve provided options for you to manage your cookie settings depending on your needs and preferences.